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On October 26, 2019, approximately 75 volunteers descended at the Fort James area in an Independence Cleanup Challenge by PURELY COE. Volunteers came primarily from the Ottos Comprehensive School, the Antigua Grammar School other Civic Groups and friends

Volunteers from each organization were disbursed into three groups, starting from opposite ends of the beach; then converge on northern side facing the Deep Water Harbor where the bulk of the plastic and other waste existed. More than three hours were spent combing the beach for trash and debris. The majority of the garbage was plastic bottles, caps, and soda cans. A total of ninety bags of waste were collected weighting over 500 lbs.

Mr. Conrod Hunte, Founder of PURLECEO delivered a brief speech in recognition of the launch of the Organization and also thanked the many volunteers. In particular, he thanked the Environmental Cadets of the Ottos Comprehensive School for coming out today , and exercise a bit of civic pride. It’s projects such as these that will help to draw the attention of our local people and getting them interested preserving the environment “

At the conclusion of the cleanup, volunteers were treated to local breakfast. The days’ event and refreshments were made possible by Maulvin Trucking, Island Provisions Limited, Brownies Bakery, Goddard Catering, Premier Beverages, Lingies Lights and Windows, and Hadeed Group.


Updated: Oct 1, 2019

As world leaders gathered at the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit this week, the damage Hurricane Dorian wrought in the Bahamas earlier this month served as a grim reminder of the climate realities that island nations face.

For the nearly one-third of all citizens in small island developing states (SIDS) living in areas no higher than a few meters above sea level, the existential threat of climate change is already here.


Updated: Oct 1, 2019

Greta at the Climate Action Summit

Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg had one question for the global leaders assembled at the United Nations: “How dare you?”

Days after telling U.S. lawmakers “listen to the scientists,” she made the same demand on an international scale. Thunberg chastised leaders for praising young activists like herself while failing to deliver on drastic actions needed to avert the worst effects of climate change, and she warned that if the world continued with business as usual, her generation would face an insurmountable catastrophe.

“This is all wrong,” said Thunberg, who was visibly emotional as she spoke on a panel at a U.N. climate summit Monday. With tears in her eyes and her face flushed, the 16-year-old activist — who began skipping school in her native Sweden a year ago to protest inaction on climate change — chastised the world leaders who had gathered in New York

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