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Afya responded to a request from PurelyCOE to assist the Antigua and Barbuda Prison and Law enforcement with PPE gears.

Receiving on behalf of PURELYCOE was the Founder, Conrod Hunte who thanked AFYA COO David Bourns for the donation of two bags of PPE gears Including hundred of sterile and nonsterile gowns, non latex gloves, surgical mask and face-shields.

AFYA provides an environmentally-sensitive, community oriented solution to help address the critical shortage of medical supplies in underserved communities around the world.

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Dear Friends, Today is Giving Tuesday, as you unleash the power of people and organizations to transform our communities and the world for a better environment. We couldn’t be more grateful for the generosity you show to Purely COE . The COVID-19 pandemic tested us all. But it will strengthen our resilience bounce back better. But we didn’t shrink or freeze; we took action virtually as much as we could to amplify the voices and the message of Climate Oceans and Energy

This #GivingTuesday, we want to look to the future. We’ve seen great success with these programs and events and are looking to scale up for even bigger impact for 2021. We are so grateful for your support, and excited for what we’ll continue do, together. With much love and gratitude,

P.S. - If you’re not in a place to give right now, please consider forwarding this email to friends. You can use the links below to introduce them to Purely COE.

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